Throwback Thursday indeed!!

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, stripes and closeup

WHOA!!! Who is that person on the left?!#throwbackthursday

That’s me. Near 220 pounds on a 5’6″ frame. A BMI of 35.5 (obese!!). I was close to an 18 jeans size and a XXL shirt. Truth be told…. I wore men’s clothes A LOT because the L for size large made me feel better. đŸ˜‘đŸ˜¶

I never wanted to there. I felt a daily struggle to exercise. Comfort food was the answer to my all emotions aka everything in life. I tried counting calories, points, eating clean with the Whole30, tracking daily food with an app, using my own plan to exercise without a schedule and no accountability. My efforts lasted a week (if I was lucky). I kept gain weight and losing confidence. Does this sound familiar?

But then the solution from a friend came at the best time. I had just injured myself from overtraining for a half marathon. I didn’t know how to control the food going on my plate and into mouth. It sounds silly but I was starving all the time! It was a constant battle of hunger because I wasn’t fueling my body with the right portions of foods from all food groups to keep me full.

When I started using the meal prep containers, working out from home and drinking one super food shake a day I began to feel better! Day one came and gone and I wasn’t starving in between meals. Then day 2, day 3, a week, a month, day 60, day 90, 4 months, FIVE MONTHS and now today! Day 189! OVER SIX months of consistently doing the same program and still seeing results!

I haven’t felt like this in years!! Full of energy! Less cranky moods. Less mood swings. Restful night sleeps. And finding more time in the day to get things done.

This wasn’t always easy. I made sacrifices to get to my goals. I said no thank you to extra food that would put me over my container limit for the day. I stayed consistent with showing up every day.

Consistency and execution are the keys to anything we desire to be successful at. You can have all the knowledge in the world about how green the grass is, but of you dont show up every day, get it done and keep doing it, you’re not going to see the results you desire. #truthbomb

We’ve only just begun the 2017 new year. It’s not too late to get started!

If you want to feel younger again, have more energy, no more afternoon crashes and be part of a community that is ready to encourage and motivate you when the going gets tough, you have been where you’re going and can offer advice, I have a private group opening up in February just for you!

I’d love to chat with you about goals and your dreams and make it happen! Private message me or comment below if you want to know more. Registration is open now until February 6th.

#laughregularly #loveyourself #feelamazing #eatclean#weightloss #health #wellness #21daystofitwithamber

That glass, it’s REFILLABLE

​Whether you’re a glass half full or half empty, know it’s always REFILLABLE!

Life can get cray cray and spin out of control faster than anticipated.  And sometimes we’re on our hands and knees crying out for one small change to give us hope.  These pauses in life are hard to swollow and are not easy to get through.  And sometimes it takes A LOT longer than planned.  I would love to say I have a solution, but I don’t.  What I have found is this.   Talking to trusted family and friends for advice helps us related to one another. Prayer works wonders.  And you’re not alone.
On the flip side when life is good, share your journey.  Don’t boast.  Be kind.  Love one another.  Remember where you started so you can help others.

Where do you want to be 21 days from now?

Did you know it takes only 21 days to break an old habit and form a new one? 21 days is a short amount time filled with a lot of potential.

In 21 days I learned how to no longer crave junk food. I stopped eating super late before bed time and late night snacking. My body started to crave real food without artificial flavors and preservatives. And those mid afternoon crashes, gone! “Bye, bye byeeeeeee! BYE, BYE!” – NSYNC 😂

The key to weight loss is CONSISTENCY. There is no magic pill. It’s about eating the right portions of food for YOU and getting in only 30 minutes of exercise just once a day. Exercise is something we all dread but I have found once you start seeing results you’re going to want to see more!! And that ONLY comes from eating healthful meals and exercising.

Once a month there are these for groups I run just for you. It’s for the busy parent(s) on the go, the person who thinks they can’t but takes it one day at a time. And these groups are private on Facebook. 👍

Don’t put limits on your success. Write down your goals and go for it! That what I did.

The next fit group is starting on November 28 and runs just 21 days. I would love to have you there! And BONUS!! You would be ahead of the game for any new year’s resolutions!! Win!!

Reach out to me and together we’ll set up a plan for you to achieve your goals.

Don’t give up when it get hard.

You are LOVED

Just for a sec, let’s face it and I’ll be real with you.

There is going to be a day that is tough, that may turn into days, weeks, months and even years. You’re on your last thread, ready to give up. Maybe you did give up and thought, “It’s not working. No one cares, why should I? What’s the point?”

Get rid of this thinking! Throw it away. FAR AWAY!! Throw it so far you’re impressed by your own pitch!!

We know when the going gets tough you either run away or stand up to plate. For 6 years I ran away. I ran away from knowing who I was and smiled when it hurt. I knew I needed help but was lost. I smiled to hide the pain. I became an emotional eater. I was depressed. I gained 65 pounds and developed a lot of could of, would of, should of, I wish I was _____ thinking. This was unhealthy for me, my friendships and my marriage.

I finally had enough. In July I reached out to a friend for help and never thought in a million years I would gain my confidence and happiness back. The woman I wanted to become that had been shut out by fear was starting to bloom again. I was feeling better physically, emotionally and mentally.

Life can be tough sometimes and other times it fills you with so much joy you’re heart could just burst with happiness!! When life gets tough, reach out to a trusted friend. Pray. Ask for wisdom.

In this life we’ll have temporary pauses that may last longer than we desire. And then we’ll have times when life moves so fast we’ll forget to slow down.

Cherish every single moment. Why? Because you are here, right now, for a reason and somebody loves you.

Make it HARD to be EASIER

Even on those nights you struggle to fall asleep 😐

Tossing and turning 😔

How is it 1 AM already? đŸ˜Č

DON’T do this: DON’T give up!

Because when it’s easy, it’s going to get harder


When it gets HARD, it’s going to get EASIER!!


When it gets hard, KNOW it’s going to get easier.

Because THIS is the SILVER LINING:


Make today GRRRRRRRREAT! 🐯

If you need some help getting back on track, I would love to help you.


The Waiting Game

Let’s face it. Waiting is hard. It messes with your mind. It takes patience, commitment, dedication and not making rash decisions. The last 5 weeks I hit a plateau. No significant loss or gain. It’s so easy to think this is no longer working and throw in the towel. Give up, eat more cookies and start gaining back the weight you worked so hard so lose. But don’t give up! Our body need time to adjust. Following the 21 Day Fix program has taught me that following my meal plan and working out go hand in hand. And when you keep doing this everyday and you will see results!


I thought I knew what to do

Before starting the 21 Day Fix I thought I knew how to lose weight. Diet and exercise! I kept track of my food intake and walked everyday – sometimes 3 miles, sometimes 10 miles! But no weight change to show for it except for weight gain. What?! Why?

Little did I know the foods I was eating was hindering my performance, sleep and moods. Everyday I was putting too much food on my plate and not enough good, healthy food to keep me full and feeling balanced.

Using the portion control containers opened my eyes to how much food we really need and how to incorporate a healthy diet into your every day life. I never knew how easy this could be. Fill the contain, put it on your plate, eat and lose weight! Simple yet so effective. I love how this program has made me realize the value of food and how important it is to eat well-rounded meals every day. It truly is life altering.


I’m so EXCITED!! Like cowing jumping over the moon excited that I’m almost of the verge of tears. I’m NO LONGER OBESE!!! What does this mean? It means my risk for Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, strokes, aneurysms, high blood pressure, pressure on my joints and SO MUCH MORE has DECREASED! My heart is no longer working super duper extra hard to pump blood through my body. SO COOL!!! My ultimate desire is to help you feel the same way using the tools that have helped me lose 30 of the 50 pounds. Let’s start working together and making things happen. And please know this was ALL possible because of SUPPORT, LOVE, and KIND words!

Migraine free!

Was it worth it? ABSOLUTELY! Yesterday a question was asked of me at the doctor’s office. “When was the last time you had a headache?” Honestly, because of some M&M’s I ate a couple of weeks ago. “And before that?” Ummmmmmmm….. (crickets)….. pulling out phone to check calendar. HOLY SMOKES! July?!?!?!?! That can’t be right. But it is! Migraines use to appear at least once or twice a month. And if you’re a migraine sufferer you understand the pain, the spinning, the nausea, can this room get any darker please feelings. And then after the migraine passes you’re dog tired for a couple days as your body heals. Not having a migraine for almost 3 months has been blessing! It truly amazes me how changing your diet and adding some heart pumping exercise really helps eliminate A LOT of health risks seen today.

No vacancy for temptations here!

Isn’t it amazing how mowing the lawn is a lot like life? You give a good yank with the plastic handle connected to the string which is magically connected to the engine in the mower and VROOM! Away you go. You’re off to a great start walking along and CLUNK! The engine was shut off because too much debris was being fed into the mower. So you clear away the debris, restart the engine and away you go.

But then you notice the grass is too tall so the mower keeps clogging. You realize taking smaller sections allows you to walk at your own pace while still keeping the mower chugging along. Finally, you’re done! And the lawn look beautiful! Your HOA is happy. LOL! But isn’t is fascinating how life is the same way. We start our engine raring to go, we start walking and KERPLUNK – we’ve stopped. But we don’t allow this mountain to get in the way our success. We figure out how to move forward. We remove the temptations, regrets, rejections and doubts that start to cloud our mind. We start again because we’re worth it gosh dang it!

And sometimes we bite more than we can chew so we walk a little slower to our goal and then we speed up again. But no matter your pace or the time it takes for you to get to your goals, when you get there the reward is very sweet. So sweet that you jump in the air with a fist pump and exclaim, “I DID IT!!!!!!” with a beaming smile ear to ear. Yes, you did! It wasn’t always easy but you held strong and didn’t waiver. Happy Friday everyone!!! And yes, I mowed the lawn today and no, I didn’t get a notice from the HOA (this time). Hahahahaha!